

I like watching TV. My favorite TV program is Chiritotechin on channel NHK recently. It is a series of hearty drama. This drama is very interesting to me. A heroin of this story is Kiyomi Wada. She brought up in Fukui Prefecture who moves to Osaka in search of her soul. In Osaka, Kiyomi becomes enchanted with the traditional Japanese comic storytelling and pursues a career in comic storytelling.

I’m addicted to this TV program because I think that I look like the heroine a little. Kiyomi is naturally all thumbs. She doesn’t have a dream. She has a lot of complex. She hates herself, but she finally found a dream. It is a comic storyteller. I cannot foresee the development of story yet, but I think She will be a great comic storyteller. If you have time, watch it please.

Chiritotechin's home page is here

[141 words]

2 件のコメント:

rina691 さんのコメント...

Hi, Mami!
Me, either!!
I like to watch the program, too♪
Also, about comic storytelling, is this the trend of this year??
I often saw many books or TV programs about it recently....
Anyway, your blog is always so cool★★★ (^ ^)// Bye, now!

mami さんのコメント...

Hi, Rina. Thank you your comment.
I think that comic stotyelling is trend of this year. I watch this program every day. If you have a time, I want to talk about it with you.

Bye, now!